Saturday, January 18, 2014

TOK Entry - Memory

Memory Test

Try some memory tests online; write a field notebook entry (Q3) about your experience, what you noticed about yourself and about memory in general. What strategies do you use to remember things? How good do you think your memory is compared to other people? 

I tried the Brain Metrix, BBC Face Memory Test and the Short Term Memory Test. I did three trials for the Brain Metrix and ended at level 6, 7, 8 in consecutive order. I think I used the first and second test to understand the patterns. I tried to memorize the highlighted rectangles by repeating them in my head. I repeated the number and the place of the rectangles but after the first few levels, I found it more difficult to memorize them. 
For the BBC Face Memory Test I tried to find certain characteristics that stood out in each picture. I didn't know the test would make me sort out the pictures so I wasn't paying much attention on which section the picture belongs to. I was able to identify all the pictures that were not presented in the test but I was unsuccessful at dividing them to the section I saw. I scored high on recognition memory but low on temporal memory. From this I was able to learn that I had more difficulty with memorizing "when" I saw it. 
Lastly, for the Short Term Memory Test, I used a similar strategy that I used for the Brain Metrix but instead of repeating them in my head I repeated them orally. I would look for a certain rhyme and tried to remember the sound of each letter. I was successful for all trials except trial 6 where I missed 1 letter. I speculated that maybe my memory was limited to storing 5 letters. 
I believe my memory is about average because there are many other people around me who have remarkably good memory. Compared to others, I believe my memory is rather average. According to the BBC Memory Test, I have a memory higher than average but I don't think it is safe to rely on one test only. In conclusion, based on the memory tests I may have better memory for recognition but compared to other people, I believe I am relatively low.

BBC Face Memory Test Results

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