Thursday, January 9, 2014

Field Blog Entry #14 - Logical Fallacies (TOK)

Reflection on Fallacies

Logical fallacies are invalid patterns of reasoning that leads to false conclusions. There are many types of fallacies including inductive fallacies and casual fallacies. The logical fallacies presentation really helped me understand about them especially hasty generalization which was what I researched about. Hasty generalization is an example of inductive fallacy and happens when the sample is too small to support an inductive generalization about a population. When someone draws conclusion based on small evidence rather than looking at statistics, that support the conclusions, it leaves an argument incomplete or invalid. One example of logical fallacies is: none of the children in this classroom have blonde hair therefore there are no blonde children at this school.

Even though reasoning can be very helpful in supporting arguments but fallacies are dangerous when coming to conclusions. Some fallacies may not be dangerous but reaching the wrong conclusion can lead to stereotypes and misunderstanding. The video of “Love is a Fallacy” showed how fallacies are applicable and found in many situations in our life. Reflecting on past experience, I realized that I also had the wrong premises and had logical but untrue conclusions. This is why it is important to have the correct premises and come up with a sound and true conclusion. 


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