Sunday, February 23, 2014

Personal Entry - K-Pop and Fans

Ethical Implications of Sasaeng 

K-pop is a music in Korea that started a popular culture known as Hallyu. Many artists and idols have been introduced and became popular among teenagers and young adults. This caused a subculture of fans to be created around the world but many fans are becoming too obsessed with their idols. Koreans call them "sasaengs" because they invade the private lives of their favorite artists. 
There are instances where the sasaengs would break into their house and steal their private items. Some exposed their private phone calls and messages and even installed CCTV cameras in their rooms or presents to watch their actions. 
To make matters worse, some fans hire "special taxi drivers" to follow their idols, These sasaeng taxis chase the vans of their favorite artists at high speed which results in occasional accidents. A Korean media published an article of Korean managers revealing that popular stars have between 100 to 1,000 sasaeng fans and on any given day, the idols have at least 100 stalkers following them. 

EXO, a famous K-pop group have many incidents of sasaengs. Baekhyun, a member of EXO, was attending a private family event when sasaengs suddenly showed up at the event without being invited. They stood on the chairs to get better pictures and ran up to Baekhyun in the middle of the wedding for his signature. His brother's wedding was ruined due to these fans and Baekhyun blamed himself for causing chaos and disruption in his brother's only wedding. 

Many people are raising the ethical consideration of the sasaengs' actions. Idols have their private information invaded and suffer from emotional and psychological stress. EXO had an interview with a Korean media and spoke of how sasaengs had changed their personality and wished people would stop intruding their privacy. It is unethical to gather confidential information without permission and cause traumatic distress in people.

In addition, respect is needed for all humans and it is important in life to be respectful towards people. Sasaengs refuse to acknowledge the value of respect as they do not protect the personal space of the idols. People need their distance but sasaengs are invading the privacy and feel satisfaction in doing so even if they become disrespectful people. These sasaengs are not only violating the idols' lives but also bringing down their reputation in society. People condemn the idols for their sasaengs who make other fans uncomfortable with their actions and behaviors. 

It is important for them to learn the limits and know how to respect. Furthermore, the continuing incidents of sasaengs are ethical issues in society that need to be fixed in order to help idols find the privacy and respect that they deserve. I believe the government and the company of the idols should take certain measures if sasaengs continue to invade the private lives and be disrespectful. 

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