Sunday, October 13, 2013

Field Blog Entry #8 - Ted Talk (Personal)

Tony Robins: Why we do what we do

In this ted talk Tony Robbins shares his thoughts and insights about why and how we do what we do and ways to do things better. His speech was based mainly on realistic (scientific) evidence which allowed me to trust the information. Robbins’ speech was motivating and helped the audience find the “inner blocks that prevent people from finding fulfillment and success.” Some people might find it uncomfortable because he doesn’t refrain from using swear words or racist implications. But the general idea of the video was about us and our actions.

People take risks to provide the world with new knowledge and I was able to relate the ted talk to the ways of knowing I learned in Theory of Knowledge class. Tony Robbins emphasized that logical reasons and faith were two important factors why we do what we do. From this, I deduced that our knowledge had a big influence on our actions.

Robbins also described that “Explore your web — the needs, the beliefs, the emotions that are controlling you… so there’s more of you to give… and so you can appreciate what’s driving other people. It’s the only way our world’s going to change.” This supported the fact about how people need to experience more because they only see a piece of the world. People’s perspectives are causing disagreement and their perspective is greatly influenced by experience.

Tony Robbins’ Ted Talk emphasized the importance of reason and faith and also described about experiencing the world to improve ourselves. People have the ability to make a positive impact and it is important to experience and stretch our limits to reach that potential.   

1 comment:

  1. The overview of the video was very detailed, which is great! You also incorporated many TOK themes into this entry, but I think you can maybe relate the video to your life or to anyone around you to make the video more relatable? Good job though!
