Saturday, October 12, 2013

Field Blog Entry #6 - Perspective (Personal)

Knowers’ Perspective

I was looking for some inspirational quotes for my Theory of Knowledge personal entry when I came upon this quote:
“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.”  John Lubbock
I think this quote really explained the concept of perspective because people look at the same world but might see something else depending on what they look for. Our perspectives might be affected through religion, education, culture, personality, etc.
I related the importance of perspective into many aspects. First, I was able to connect perspective with the cognitive miser theory, a concept I learned in IBH Psychology. Cognitive miser theory states that people are hesitant at accepting new information so they use their previous beliefs when making a decision. A perspective is a way of thinking or knowing from one’s point of view when regarding something or making a decision. The theory indicates that people tend to rely on their point of view or perspective in order to make decisions.
The story of the Blind Men and the Elephant is also an example of the importance of perspective. The blind men had different descriptions of the elephant because they were touching different parts. They were placed in front of the same object but they all saw something else. The story was about the different perspectives of people and emphasized the importance of seeing the “compete picture” or the full idea. People experience only a small piece of the world so in order to gain a more “complete picture” of the world people need to be willing to experience and share knowledge with others.
Consider an important question related to perspective: How do we account for the multiplicity of perspectives in the world?


  1. Good points here. We talked about this concept in class, too: confirmation bias.

  2. With the population we have, it's almost impossible to account all the perspectives in the world! I like how you incorporated aspects covered in TOK and from other classes . (;
