Saturday, October 12, 2013

Field Blog Entry #7 - TOK Point in Biology (IB Class)

I am currently learning about ecology and evolution in my IB SL Biology class. While we were studying about the greenhouse effect, the precautionary principle came up. The precautionary principle states that “if the effects of a human-induced change would be very large, perhaps catastrophic, those responsible for the change must prove that it will not do harm before proceeding.”

But in the real world, we can see that those responsible for the damage are trying to come up with convincing evidences in order to proceed while those who are concerned about the change would have to prove that it will do harm in order to prevent such plans.
This is very important because ethical questions are raised about the effects of economic harm on future human generations. Global warming is being accelerated due to an enhanced greenhouse effect that is caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and livestock breeding. If no action is taken to limit global warming, then there may be a greater danger for future generations. Another ethical implication can be found in species other than humans. Global warming is damaging the habitat of species living in arctic ecosystems, such as the Antarctic, by melting the ice. The rise in temperature is taking away their environment and might lead to the extinction of these species.  

The issue of global warming has ethical implications globally in terms of causes and consequences. There is an unbalance between those in the world who are contributing to the problem and those who are being harmed. A fair and equal cooperation is needed for a solution be found. 


  1. I strongly agree with your idea. Our next generation might suffer from global warming, which might impact on their food chain. Thus threatening the life of human being on Earth.

  2. As I too am in Biology SL, I also learned about the precautionary principle. Like you, I am concerned about the environment, and believe it to be an ethical issue when some people believe that global warming is not harming the world, and that if global warming is accelerating, that humans' actions have nothing to do with it. However, in my belief, global warming is an issue in which the precautionary principle truly holds.
