Saturday, May 3, 2014

IB Class Entry - Therapeutic Cloning

There are many issues surrounding therapeutic cloning in humans which are important to consider. The idea of cloning often provokes strong negative reactions from people but some information comes from unreliable sources such as science fiction and horror films. When coming to ethical decisions about the right and wrong of therapeutic cloning, it is significant to be well informed.

First it is important to note the difference between the two distinct forms of cloning. Reproductive cloning is making copies of entire organisms and therapeutic cloning is making copies of embryonic stem cells only. In the field of natural science, embryos are used for reproduction only but many people believe that using them for experiments is not right. The use of embryonic stem cells have led to major accomplishments in natural science such as growing skin to repair a burn, growing new heart muscle to repair an ailing heart, and growing new kidney tissue to rebuild a failing kidney. Scientists believe that embryonic stem cells can be used to save lives and reduce pain for patients and that cells are taken at a stage when embryos have no nerve cells so therapeutic cloning should be acceptable.

However, some argue that every human embryo is a potential life and should be given the chance of development. It is also important to know that there is a risk of embryonic cells developing into tumor cells which will lead to death instead of saving lives. In addition, more embryos are produced than needed so a lot of them are destroyed. Is it acceptable to kill many potential human beings? Does the benefits outweigh the ethical implications?

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