Saturday, April 19, 2014

Personal Entry - Sewol Incident

After receiving the shocking news of this tragedy, the Sewol Ferry Disaster, I decided to explore the implications of the captain’s actions and the actions of people in times of trouble. It is important to consider all aspects of the incident, especially through the areas of knowledge in TOK. There are many TOK questions that could be raised and debated on based on this event.

The captain and his crew made decisions that cost hundreds of lives and was done for their own survival. They are criticized in the country of Korea for being selfish and demand for their punishment. The Sewol Incident is very upsetting and disastrous to many people because most of the victims were high school students who had a wide future in front of them. The deaths of so many students made me think about how the captain of Sewol and his crew should be brought to justice. What are the standards for their decisions and how does ethical implications influence justice?

First of all, they were irresponsible of their passengers and cared solely for their own lives. All captains have an expectation and responsibility to save their passengers even if it costs their own lives. This is why many captains that died to save more people are honored and praised highly. There shouldn’t have been any harm or deaths done to any people but this disaster caused hundreds of casualties. The ethical consideration behind this is that the captain should have been more considerate and aware of every individual lives on the ship. So many lives could have been saved if the captain had told the people to evacuate and was prepared for such events.

The captain and his crew’s belief in their lives being more valuable and important have caused hundreds of lives to be lost. If the captain had considered the ethical implications behind his belief then there would have been different consequences and reactions towards the Sewol Disaster.

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