Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Personal Entry - BBC: Spot the Fake Smile Test

BBC: Spot the Fake Smile Test 

This experiment was designed to test whether one can distinguish the difference between a fake smile and a real smile. It was based on the research by Professor Paul Ekman, a psychologist at the University of California.
I guessed 13 pictures correctly out of 20 and most of the pictures I got wrong were because I marked feigned expressions as real smiles. I personally thought that this test helped me how one's physical characteristics and expressions can both portray and hide emotions. People tend to feign expressions when they want to be polite or hide their emotions. From this test, I realized that it is difficult to notice when people are putting on a real smile or a fake smile. I related this to many other theories connected to emotions and wondered if feigning expressions affect ones' decisions as well. 
In addition, expressions can show one's personality because a bubbly person will have a bigger and more cheerful smile. Each unique smile emphasizes their individuality. Hiding one's smile hides both their personality and individuality. 

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