Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Field Blog Entry #2 - Know Thyself Assignment (TOK)

     1. In a few words or phrases, describe yourself. Is this easy? difficult? Why?
I would describe myself as shy, quiet and caring. I found it quite difficult to describe myself in a few words or phrases because everyone has different views and perspectives on oneself. People judge and describe a person differently and it is complicated to sum all these detailed descriptions into a few words or phrases. 

     2. After we have discussed this, get online to do the following personality tests:

              a.  www.humanmetrics.com
                   Scroll down to Jung Typology Test and click “Take Test”

     3. After you’ve taken both tests, consider the implications and problems. Looking at one’s own personality is a complicated undertaking—one that involves ways of knowing, beliefs, actions, behaviors, and feelings.  Jot down any interesting or troubling discoveries.  

I think I was accurately described because I always thought of myself as timid and both test results showed that I had a preference for an introverted personality. But I also realized that I wasn't sure how to explain myself in terms of actions or beliefs because I don't know myself enough to describe if I act based on intuition. Some of the results of the test were the same to the other test results but others came out differently. This troubled me slightly because I couldn't decide which test described me more accurately. 

     4. Soon you’ll be writing your “Autobiography of the Knower” Think Piece.  Did the results from these tests confirm what you already knew? Do you disagree with any of the results?  Consider this experience as you construct your Think Piece.

Both tests confirmed that I was more of an introverted person than an extroverted one because I already knew that I had a timid personality. Also, I agreed that I do tend to act more according to my feelings and my intuitions but I was quite surprised to find a high score on feelings. I do believe that it isn't easy to describe a person in a few words but I was able to agree with most of the test results which helped me to understand myself better. 

1 comment:

  1. Good start thinking about these ideas. Try to keep digging deeper. For example, "everyone has different views and perspectives on oneself. People judge and describe a person differently " Keep going with this idea. Why do other people see us differently than we see ourselves? Etc.
